Saturday, October 2, 2010

Rebel Doll 'Zine

An excerpt from "Letter From Miss Jane" in Issue #1:

As I've gotten older, I've found myself becoming more and more of an analog girl. I've always shot with film, listened to records, and sometimes wish I could ditch the cell phone for a land-line again. I do enjoy the digital world every now and then, but lately feel that the technology that is supposed to be bringing us closer together as a community is making us drift further and further apart. Why call your friends when you can PM or text them? Why visit your friends to see how they're doing when you can leave them a message on their Facebook walls?

Don't get me wrong; I do my fair share of messages and tweeting, but I long for more porch sitting and grabbing a coffee. I think that digital has its place. I just don't want people to forget how to socialize and participate physically in their community.

- Miss Jane

Rebel Doll is accepting Art, Photography, Prose, Poetry, Short Stories, How-to/DIY articles, Recipes, Band Reviews, Band Intervies, Show Reviews, Film Reviews, Comics, Games, etc. (if you are unsure about your piece send it in anyway).

Visit website for additional details, contact information, and specs to submit your art.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Thanks for the Rebel Doll post! Let me know if you'd like a copy of issue #2, I can mail it to you :)
    Cheers! -Miss Jane
