Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Butterfly Tour Birthday Edition, Part Two

Even though my for-real birthday was on a Monday (see previous post), I did most of my celebrating on Tuesday. It just-so-happened that this year my special day fell next to the December edition of Let Go! at the Lockerbie. Even more exciting? That night was also the official celebration of DJ Action Jackson's new residency at the monthly freak-out dance party. Naturally, a theme was attached: totally 90's!

After work, I met up with MoDub at Goodwill to search  for party attire. Normally, I don't partake in dress up themes but, hello, it was my birthday. After finding several key garments and multiple outfit incarnations, I was able to seal the deal with golden yellow skinny jeans. At home, I paired them with a black tank top, jean jacket, long golden chain, and black slip-on tennis shoes. Molly's key accessory was the white Coca Cola visor she found on the Goodwill shelves; she finished her outfit with a white t-shirt, black leggings, mom-style jean shorts, red Keds, and an old letterman jacket. And a side poneytail.

We made a quick stop at my friend's new apartment on our way to The Melody Inn. She showed us the ballin' outfit she was going to wear if she went (we were jealous!) but she wasn't feeling (our sounding) well and decided to stay home instead. We got the grand tour of her new bachelorette pad and soon thereafter were off to Juxtapoze.

Our time at The Mel was short. I saw some friends, gave out hugs, did some chit-chatting, and watched the clock. By 11:40 we were ready to get the (nineties) party started. The 15-minute car ride to the Lockerbie included, appropriately enough, copious amounts of Salt n Peppa and 20 Fingers (don't want no short dick, man!).

Once downtown,as per usual, the Lockerbie was hoppin. My regular Let Go accomplices were there, plus about six or eight others who ventured out for to celebrate with me. Glosticks were provided. Multi-color glosticks. We danced to a medley of familiar songs from our preteen days, squeezed onto the floor in a messy blob of neon colors and sweaty bodies covered in spilled beer. After an hour at Let Go! I was spent. I thanked all my friends from coming and headed home to catch a few hours of sleep before heading into work later that morning.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Butterfly Tour Birthday Edition, Part One

My for-real birthday was on a Monday this year. Just as I had to last year... and the year before that... and the year before that... I had to take a final on my birthday. Never fails. Week-end. Week-day. It makes no difference. This year, it fell on Monday. After a day of work and a final exam for Financial Management 301, I met my boyfriend, a college buddy, and one of my best friends from mojoland at Chatham Tap on Mass Ave.

I ordered the salmon sandwich on black bean and salsa bread. The sandwich came with salad mix, gouda, avacado, and cilantro sauce. And a Sunking Cream Ale. I told my friends about my new job, we discussed music, and I think they even snuck in a little sports talk under my nose. I spent an extra 45 minutes at the table with my gentleman friend after the others left and then headed home.

Cards from my mom and aunt were waiting for me on the bookself by the door when I got home; the former had a check enclosed and the latter included a device that allows me to quickly instal a hook upon which to hang my purse from any table or bar. My roommate was in the kitchen finishing a sink of dishes. "Cookie and I didn't really get you anything for your birthday," he said as he clanked around a stack of plates. "But the fridge is clean, the trash is gone, recycling dropped off, dishes done, and garbage disposal is clean."

Since this post has been delayed for more than a week, I am also proud to report I scored a 77 on the final that day; I needed a 33 to pass the class.

Birthday celebration day one: success.

Up next: Butterfly Tour Birthday Edition, Part Two
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