Friday, November 26, 2010

The Butterfly Tour hits Chicago

Last weekend The Butterfly Tour traveled to Chicago for one of the best weekends I've ever had in The Windy City.

Friday night I rode up with my boyfriend for the DJ Shadow show in Chicago. Read my full review here on

After the show, we stayed the night at Kristin's new place. Brendon took off early in the morning while I waited for Swanny to wake up. We went to a handmade craft fair in the afternoon where I made a few purchases and crossed a few names off of my Christmas list. After that, we went out for dinner at a small Mexican restaurant where I learned about Chicago's BYOB policy. My understanding is that due to the high number of restaurants in a relatively small area, not all places of business are able to obtain liquor licenses. Consequently, a policy of BYOB is in effect at some establishments, allowing customers to literally carry in their own beverages. In leiu of margarita mix, we each purchased a lemon-lime soda to mix with the Cuervo we picked up at the Seven Eleven on the way there. BYOB FTW.

After dinner, we had time to kill and met up with some of Kristin's friends before heading to The Congress Theater to see Mutaytor. After two bars, two beers, and one shot each- we were ready for the show. Of the many things that put me in awe when I visit Chicago, public transit ranks among the top. After a relatively quiet train ride, I found myself on the bus listening to the guy behind us repeatedly remind everyone that Soul Train would later be on Infusion and that he couldn't wait to watch it as he shared his blueberry pie with his cat.

The Congress Theater was more striking than I could have imagined. A DJ was set up on the lobby's picturesque double-staircase and a small ragefest was in full swing on the floor below him. Inside the theater, the show was surprisingly under-attended. Nonetheless, the crowd was full of freeks and geeks- exactly the way I like it- and I had never felt more at home at a show in Chicago than I did in that crowd.

After Mutaytor, we headed back to the sports bar we were at earlier and rejoined the crew we had left before the show. Still in "dance mode" I entertained myself in the corner to the music supplied by the house DJ while everyone else played beer pong and continued the debauchery. The rest of the night is a collection of fragmented memories that includes a stop at a different bar full of creepers, falling asleep at the table over a plate of breakfast, and a heated debate about what's best: BJ's or handies.

Fully equipped with a massive hangover, I embarked on a three-hour bus ride home the next afternoon. I slept the entire time.

But hey- at least my car didn't get impounded and nobody went to jail this time.

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