Friday, October 15, 2010

The Butterfly Tour 10/8

Last Friday, after the obligatory trip to my favorite local brewer (Sunking) for a $5 growler fill, I headed home to walk my dog and change clothes. Shortly thereafter, I was en route to meet up with the boyfriend and head out to my first haunted house of the season.

We opted for Nightmare on Edgewood on Indy’s south side. At $15 a head, the haunt is easily worth the money. This is primarily so because of NOE’s touching policy… or lack thereof. Fingers combed my hair, hands were laid upon my shoulder, my pant legs were tugged at, mechanized cutting devices were thrusted at my limbs, and there was even once an effort to pull me from the bear hug grip I had on my escort. While the haunt utilizes some familiar old tricks, NOE’s first room of terror is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in a haunted house before. Let me just say- so as not to spoil the surprise- you are locked in a small room for what feels like an eternity. And you will NOT be standing still.

After Nightmare on Edgewood, I trucked north to Broad Ripple to purchase some Christmas presents from my friend Ashley Woodrum and enjoy a short visit with she and boyfriend John. Looking for an affordable local visual artist to buy your next birthday or Chirstmas present from? Look no further. Also, check out her Alice in Wonderland series, as featured on Heavy Gun Blog.

Space Owls Series - Ashley Woodrum
Next on The Tour was a brief stop at The Mousetrap to see Catch Curtis for the first time; I unfortunately missed them at Wuhnurth in September, so I made a point to catch their early set here in town. Be on the lookout for an upcoming Thursday night Catch Curtis gig at The Mousetrap with improv/dance/livetronica group Embryonic Fluid.

30 minutes later, I realized I was falling behind my own schedule (hey, sometimes you have to be flexible on The Butterfly Tour) and headed back into the village to check out electro mashup DJ Matt Allen’s new weekly event at Tru Nightclub- Blend.

I had one last stop planned for the night: the final installment of Cultural Cannibal’s weekly event at Hyde. My sources on the scene told me before I was able to get there that the party downtown at Hyde was dead, even past the stroke of midnight. Such was the case for the previous week's event,  as well. To understate, this was depressing news to me, as the one night in the series that I did attend was ridiculously packed and tons of fun. I guess you can't win them all.

So instead of relocating downtown, we stayed at Tru and got dirty with Matt Allen all night long- including an unlikely dubstep version of Owl City's "Fireflies"- a mocking summarization of Matt Allen's feelings about the electronic sub genre. He did throw in a few legitimate womp wobbles, though. And I appreciated that.

In summary
1.)    Go to Nightmare on Edgewood.
2.)    Buy art from Ashley Woodrum.
3.)    Go see Matt Allen (with special guest Steady B) on 10/15.

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